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Online Parenting Classes

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It’s the full-time job that we don’t get paid for: raising children. But being a great parent doesn’t have to be a stressful part of your life anymore. With Dr. Michael H. Popkin’s respected parenting class and popular parenting books, you will learn the tools you need to become a successful parent. Even if you don’t have time to take a weekly class outside of your home, Active Parenting brings the lessons to you with a unique, interactive online class. The class is based on sound Adlerian psychology, and it provides students with indispensible parenting help.

The comprehensive parenting class “meets” online and covers a diverse selection of parenting topics, including:

  • using effective communication skills
  • understanding why children misbehave
  • holding family meetings
  • and much more!

And because it’s an online parenting class, you can complete the lessons wherever and whenever you would like, and review past lessons as many times as you need. Aside from providing parenting help through planned lessons, the online class also allows you to connect with other parents to hold discussions and complete activities.

You will receive excellent advice and parenting techniques from a highly qualified leader, access to online resources and videos, and the ability to discuss parenting with other adults around the country—all in one parenting class.

In this class, you name the time and place.

You can “click on and off” as needed to complete each lesson. The 60-day enrollment period allows you “24/7” access to all online video, activities, discussions and past lessons.

To Register Call: 815-877-7228